Services for Organizations
What do we do at Nicole King Productive Solutions?
Nicole King Productive Solutions helps organizations create a “Productive Environment™” – an intentional setting in which everyone can “accomplish their work and enjoy their lives™”. We essentially organize offices to decrease clutter and increase productivity. This is accomplished by implementing SYSTEMs (Saving, You, Space, Time, Energy, and Money)™. These systems have been developed and perfected over the last 30 years by Barbara Hemphill, often referred to as the “Paper Tiger Lady”. To be clear, these are not “computer systems” but methods to make your life less complicated and more efficient. In fact, we work with you to retain any computer systems you may already have, and help you utilize these software programs as effectively as possible. |
Productive Environment Solution™
As you can see in the picture here, we offer a variety of services for entrepreneurs. Our services are unique because we understand that every organization is different. Therefore, we work with you to provide customized solutions that meet your specific needs. In addition, all services include follow-up and maintenance to ensure continued success long after we leave! How to Get Started
All new clients start by filling out a Productive Environment Scorecard for Teams to analyze your current needs. At a complimentary consultation we discuss your vision for an ideal work place, and what factors are currently working for and against you in achieving that vision. After the discovery session each client is given a unique proposal tailored to your needs and goals. One of our most popular services for organizations is the Productive Environment Day™. |
While our principles and processes can help any organization increase their productivity and efficiency, Nicole King Productive Solutions specializes in helping expanding entrepreneurs improve and streamline processes. Working with us you will:
Productive Environment Day™
The purpose of a "Productive Environment Day™" is to give you and your employees the time, the permission, and the resources to effectively eliminate anything from their office that doesn't help them "accomplish their work or enjoy their life.™" This includes items which can be tossed/recycled/shredded or should be relocated to another person/office/location. In addition, you can eliminate the necessity of keeping and/or moving anything that is not necessary to the organization per your retention guidelines.
The purpose of a "Productive Environment Day™" is to give you and your employees the time, the permission, and the resources to effectively eliminate anything from their office that doesn't help them "accomplish their work or enjoy their life.™" This includes items which can be tossed/recycled/shredded or should be relocated to another person/office/location. In addition, you can eliminate the necessity of keeping and/or moving anything that is not necessary to the organization per your retention guidelines.
Complete a Productive Environment Scorecard to get started!